"Ask Graham"

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If you were expecting this website to be a totally comprehensive record of life in Taipei, Taiwan, then I'm afraid it'll probably disappoint you. This site is simply a collection of my own thoughts and observations from my time living here.

However, not being one to shirk from my responsibilities as a teacher and educator I have set up this page for people to use to ask me questions about anything to do with Taiwan.
* Is there something you've been dying to ask?
* Is the a piece of information you've always wanted to know?

If so, then simply fill in the handy form below and click "send your question". I will try my best to answer all questions to the best of my ability, and will either display the questions and answers below, or will include them elsewhere in the site.

Page created 5/8/04
Copyright Graham Holland © 2004

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Thank you for submitting your question to "Ask Graham".

Check back here in a couple of weeks to see the answer...

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