Contact details

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June 2005
Below you'll find all the contact information I put on my website when I first moved to Taiwan back in April 2004.


Mailing list

I have an email mailing list which I am using to send out updates on things that are going on in my life, and to let people know when anything new has been added to my website.

The mailing list currently has about 50 members made up from family, friends, work colleagues, church members, international contacts, and Scouting friends.

If you would like to sign up then just send me an email using the email link above left.

My postal address

Graham Holland
(blah, blah, blah)

I do have an address - if you would like it then drop me an email.


MSN Messenger ID

I have MSN Messenger installed on my PC. If you also have it you can add me to your contacts list using itsafrogslife@hotmail.comREMOVE

Just remember to remove the 'REMOVE' from the above email address!

MSN Messenger allows people to chat/type in real time to each other. Also, if you have a broadband connection to the internet you can use MSN Messenger with a microphone to talk to other users - it's like the telephone, but without the international calling costs! In addition, if the internet connection at both ends is fast enough it's possible to use a webcam to videoconference. Once again, it's like a videophone, but without the international calling costs!Download MSN Messenger

If you don't have MSN Messenger you can download it by clicking the picture on the left.

Telephone - this section is still valid for anyone from the UK who is dailing any overseas telephone numbers, however frequently (or infrequently) and for however long the call is. This information could save you money.

If you pick up your normal UK landline the chances are you will end up paying over £1 per minute for the privilege (I found this out the hard way). Below are some alternatives ranging from 'cheap' to 'cheaper still' to 'free'.

Calling Cards (Cheap)

One of the advantages of an international calling card is that it can be used from any phone, and as long as it provides a freephone access number you don't run up someone else's bills. You can buy these from your local Chinatown convenience store (what do you mean, there isn't one near you?) or online at websites such as:-
Click on Savers Card down left-hand side
Rates vary from card to card depending on the value of the card bought, the type of phone being called (calling a Taiwanese mobile is more expensive), the access number being used (either a local rate such as 0845 or a freephone rate such as 0800). Some cards have extra costs such as a daily charge (often 1 to 3p) regardless of calls made, or a call completion charge (1p). It's worth checking the small print. The other thing to bear in mind is that most calling cards expire after a certain period of time, regarless of whether you still have credit on it or not. The Savers Card expires 90 days after first use . The Post Office calling card lasts for a full 12 months, but charges more for it's calls... Swings and roundabouts!

Low-cost International Call Providers (Even cheaper!)

If you don't want to go to the bother of hunting down a calling card then an alternative (which can work out cheaper) is to use an alternative telecommunications company. These companies buy access to international telephone systems and sell them on to the consumer at a more competative rate than BT and Telewest.

Probably the cheapest I have found is which charges 2p per minute to a Taiwanese landline, and 10p per minute to a Taiwanese mobile (cell). Checking their website on a regular basis is useful as they often have special offers. This is an alternative, although it's more expensive than


Use the internet (for FREE!!!)

If you do have a broadband internet connection then use MSN Messenger (see the information already provided above). This doesn't have the same level of convenience as a phone to phone call, but since you are already paying for your internet connection it is, in effect, free. All you need is to be online at the same time, and to both have a microphone and speakers/headphone. It really couldn't be much easier, and the quality is often better than the normal phone lines too!

Phone numbers

00 is the UK international dialing code (from the USA insert your own 011...)
88 is the country code for Taiwan




And if all else fails, you can always try carrier pigeon...!

Page created 20th Apr 04 - updated 3rd Jun 05
Copyright Graham Holland © 2004

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