5k-a-day updates weekly update

5k-a-day update – Week 1

I’m going to be doing a weekly update during my 5k-a-day challenge. Where possible it’ll be on a Sunday with a summary of the previous seven days, although this first one is only six days because the week started with New Year’s Day on a Tuesday.

Week 1 – 1st to 6th January 2019

Weekly distance – 46.6k

Weekly target – 35k

So this is the start! Six days in with a 35k/week target and I’m already way ahead of my target! I’ll be happy to keep this pace ticking over, although it’s sure to increase as I start doing some more longer runs. I’m due to start a 12 week marathon training plan at the start of March so that should help too.

All of my non-parkrun runs this week have been early starts to get in a run from home before going to work. I’m looking forward to doing one or two lunchtime runs from work during the next week so I won’t have to set my alarm clock early!