
5k-a-day 22/365 – Tuesday morning run with Tim in the wind, rain and sleet

Tuesday 22nd January 2019

  • Distance:  8.1k (0.5 + 7.6)
  • Total to date: 154.4k
  • Rolling target: 110k
  • Ahead of target: 44.4k
  • Distance remaining: 1670.6k

The 05:15 alarm went off and I could hear the wind and hail on the bedroom window. I hit snooze and thought about staying in bed for another hour. Then I felt guilty that if I did that I’d be letting Tim down.

Running with others is a really good motivator when the weather is bad or you just don’t feel like putting on your running shoes. And once we started running it wasn’t too bad. Yes it was cold and wet, but wearing the right gear makes all the difference.

Help me reach my fundraising target for Alzheimer’s Research UK.