
5k-a-day 41/365 – Late afternoon run with four parks

Sunday 10th February 2019

  • Distance:  10.7k
  • Total to date: 278.1k
  • Rolling target: 205k
  • Ahead of target: 73.1k
  • Distance remaining: 1546.9
  • Days remaining: 324

I’d originally planned a long run after Junior parkrun this morning but Xiao Hei had other ideas. So I went out later in the afternoon instead.

I ran to Princes Park to see how far it was and how long it would take me to get there if I wanted to run to parkrun on Saturday. I was surprised to see it wasn’t even 5k!

I visited four parks – The Mystery, Prince Park, Sefton Park and my first time inside Greenbank Park!

Help me reach my fundraising target for Alzheimer’s Research UK.