
5k-a-day 45/365 – The day after the shinjury…

Thursday 14th February 2019

  • Distance:Β  5.4k
  • Total to date: 301.7k
  • Rolling target: 225k
  • Ahead of target: 76.7k
  • Distance remaining: 1523.3
  • Days remaining: 320

I stood on a chair last night and my foot went straight through it. I immediately elevated my leg with a frozen Quorn compress which I then cooked and ate to hide the evidence!

There’s going to be a bruise.

I felt physically sick last night at the thought I might not be able to run today.Β πŸ™

It was painful first thing but I decided to try for a gentle jog. Now I know what they mean when they say you can run off an injury. It was still sore but it’s not as bad as it could have been.

Help me reach my fundraising target for Alzheimer’s Research UK.

Graham runs 5k-a-day