
5k-a-day 318/365 – A Half Marathon before work as part of the Manchester 24 Hour Run Against Homelessness supporting A Bed Every Night

Thursday 14th November 2019

  • Distance: 22.2 km
  • Total to date: 2104.3 km
  • Rolling target: 1590km
  • Ahead of rolling target: 514.3 km
  • Days remaining: 47

This morning I set my alarm for 04:10 in order to get up, shower, eat breakfast, and catch the 05:30 train to Manchester. I had signed up to run as part of the Manchester 24 Hour Run Against Homelessness. This was an event run by Run Wild, the University of Manchester SU’s social running group, to raise money for a charity called A Bed Every Night.

The event started at 12:00 on Wednesday and ran through to 12:00 Thursday. The 24 hours were broken up into 5km, 30 minute slots. I signed up to run four slots from 07:00 to 09:00. That was 20km but with the distance from the station to the SU I ended up doing just over a half marathon distance.

Well done to everyone who took part, whether they ran just one lap or 10, at 3pm in the afternoon or 3am in the morning! £2,485 was raised!


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Graham runs 5k-a-day