
#everysinglestreet [21/07/20] The last of the roads off Lawrence Road


  • Tuesday 21st July 2020
  • 33 streets – Abyssinia Close, Alderson Road, Bagot Street, Banner Street, Bligh Street, Broadwood Street, Celadine Close, Colville Street, Cretan Road, Fairbank Street, Garmoyle Close, Gordon Street, Goswell Street, Langton Road, Lawrence Grove, Liberty Street, Liscard Road, Macdonald Street, Methuen Street, Mystery Close, Newhouse Road, Plumer Street, Roby Street, Strathcona Road, Tabley Road, Talton Road, Thornycroft Road, Wauchope Street, Wavertree Vale, Wellington Avenue, Wellington Fields, Whitman Street, Wimbledon Street.
  • Total: 423 (7.66%)
  • Remaining: 5,209


I’d already done some of the roads off Lawrence Road when I did my Strava art the other week – https://www.strava.com/activities/3647143724 – so decided to finish them today.

Goswell Street – every single house is painted with traditional red brick paint.

I ran to the end of Mystery Close but won’t tell you what I found there.

Wellington Avenue Methodist Church was founded before 1899 with the current buildings built in 1904/5. Due to falling numbers the main building was sold to the United Sikh Association and the church moved into the Sunday School building next door. The Sunday School building is noticeable by the two front entrances – one for boys and one for girls.

The private Wellington Fields is worth wandering down for a look at the old houses, and the modern one right at the end on the left.

I found a stand of Japanese Knotweed.

Smithdown Road cemetery was quiet.

Ran past the Childwall Avenue mural showing Road Runner and Wile E Coyote!

Sad to see the Church of the Protestant Martyrs in ruins.

There’s a tiny, old school building on Strathcona Road that’s been converted into apartments.

Strathcona also has a few odd shaped houses squeezed into spaces where the road bends.

I set up my tent and laid siege to Mafeking Close (bonus points for anyone who gets the Scouting reference…!)

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