
#everysinglestreet [23/08/29] From March to October, plus human error


  • Sunday 23rd August 2020
  • 35 streets – March Road, April Grove, June Road, July Road, August Road, September Road, October Drive, Breckside Park, Dorset Road, Gloucester Road North, Herbert Taylor Close, Judges Way, Lowndes Road, Melford Grove, Newsham Drive, Simms Road, Whitby Street, Denman Drive, Denman Way, Dominion Street, Ellel Grove, Gardners Drive, Grange Street, Hampson Street, Judges Drive, Pendine Close, Penlinken Drive, Penvalley Crescent, Pinetop Close, Pond Close, Preston Grove, Rockhouse Street, Rossettis Street, Strathmore Road, Sunlight Street.
  • Total: 13.98%


HUMAN ERROR!!! The first press of the ‘run’ button on my Garmin watch turns on the GPS. Once it tells you it’s found a GPS signal you then press the ‘run’ button a second time to start the run. However, in my eagerness to start I forgot the second press to start the run and didn’t notice until I was half way through, so I’m going to have to go back and do some of today’s roads again. I’m hoping it’s the kind of error you only make once!

UPDATE – 20th September

I’ve finally discovered a way to add the missing run from 23rd August when I forgot to start my Garmin. Woo hoo! I manually plotted the route using Strava’s new ‘Routes’ feature, downloaded the gpx file, uploaded it to goatees.org to add timestamps to it, downloaded it from there, then imported it to Strava as a run.

Newsham House was built as a house for judges serving at the crown court in Liverpool. That’s why it’s encircled by Judges Drive and Judges Way. I don’t know if it’s still used for the same purpose but the gate was open so I couldn’t resist popping in to grab a quick photo of the house.

A new cycle lane has been created along West Derby Road by sectioning off the first of the two lanes each way along the duel carriageway. Drivers aren’t happy about it because of the extra congestion it’s causing.

I ran down March Road, April Grove, June Road, July Road, August Road, September Road, October Drive. For some reason there’s no May Road.

There was a police helicopter overhead making its presence felt.

Simms Road is real.

The gate to Newsham House was open so I popped in to take a look. It was built as accommodation for judges, which explains why it’s surrounded by Judges Drive and Judges Way. There were no signs to say what it’s currently used for.

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