
#everysinglestreet [08/09/20] All the roads north of Goodison Park, Everton


  • Tuesday 8th September 2020
  • 53 streets – Andrew Street, Arnot Street, Arundel Street, Askew Street, Bardsay Road, Beeston Street, Bodmin Road, Bullens Road, Chepstow Street City Road, Cowley Road, Dane Street, Diana Street, Dumbarton Street, Dunluce Street, Dyson Street, Elphin Grove, Emery Street, Espin Street, Eton Street, Frodsham Street, Golden Grove, Goodison Avenue, Goodison Road, Gwladys Street, Hans Road, Index Street, Esmay Street, Keith Avenue, Knowsley Street, Leta Street, Lind Street, Linton Street, Lowell Street, Ludlow Street, Luxmore Road, Mere Green, Gilman Road, Muriel Street, Nansen Grove, Neston Street, Newark Street, Nimrod Street, Oxton Street, Pentland Avenue, Peter Road, Ripon Street, Rymer Grove, Shepston Avenue, Stepney Grove, Swanston Avenue, Wilburn Street, Winslow Street.
  • Total: 1,009 (17.89%)
  • Remaining: 4,632
  • Milestone: Completed over 1,000 streets


After running all of the streets round Anfield on Sunday I thought it was only fair to run all of the streets around Goodison Park today. The two stadiums are literally at opposite sides of Stanley Park.

Goodison is one of those old football stadiums surrounded by terraced streets. Unlike Liverpool’s ground which has expanded by knocking down adjacent streets, Goodison hasn’t been able to do that, which is why there are plans for a brand new stadium to be build on the waterfront at Bramley Moor Dock.

There’s a statue of Dixie Dean at the main gate, and the wall is covered by commemorative plaques.

There’s a sandstone clock tower at the entrance to Anfield Cemetery.

There’s a roundabout at the end of Mere Green with a building in the middle. I don’t know what it is. Maybe an office for a housing association?

There’s another statue on City Road outside St Luke’s Church. It has three figures – Alan Ball, Howard Kendall, and Colin Harvey.

The Spellow is a pub with letters missing. One side says THE SPEL O, and the other side THE SP LLOW.

I saw lots of churches on this run. Most of the are still churches, but North Zion Mission Hall is now a gym.

After coming seeing the sign for Finchley Diary in Anfield on Sunday, I found another urban dairy – Spellow Farm Dairy. If anyone is interested there’s a blog post on ‘The Cowhouses of Liverpool’. https://asenseofplace.com/…/12/the-cowhouses-of-liverpool/

Luxmore Road – there’s a pun there somewhere…! The same with Rymer Grove. And Dyson Street.

Two adjacent front doors on the same road, one No 2 and the other No 90.

Mature trees at the end of Keith Avenue.

Arnot St Mary is another primary school in a Victorian red brick building.I should have left Index Street until last.

At the end of Beeston Street there’s a detached ‘terraced’ house.

On Carisbrooke Road there’s a row of houses and each one has its own name – Holly Bank, Beech Bank, Oak Bank, etc.

JOSH’S NEWZ was across the street from SIZZLAZ.

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