ess055 everything will be ok

#everysinglestreet [28/11/20] More tea Vicar? Townsend Lane and Priory Road


  • Saturday 28th November 2020
  • 35 streets – Chapel Road, Clarendon Road, Abbey Road, Acton Grove, Armley Road, Beechdene Road, Bingley Road, Bishop Road, Canon Road, Cathedral Road, Claude Road, Curate Road, Denebank Road, Dewsbury Road, Elderdale Road, Empress Road, Hazelhurst Road, Holbeck Street, Lampeter Road, Lycett Road, Lynholme Road, Manningham Road, Monastery Road, Oakdene Road, Pinehurst Road, Rector Road, Skipton Road, Suburban Road, The Coppice, Vallance Road, Vicar Road, Waltham Road, Wenlock Road, Wernbrook Road, Winchester Road
  • Total: 1,981 (35.23%)
  • Remaining: 3,642


A sign in a window says ‘everything will be OK’. But will it though?

I ran a bunch of streets named after Christian religious buildings (Priory, Cathedral, Chapel, Abbey, Monastery) and religious leaders (Vicar, Bishop, Canon, Curate, Rector).

On Canon Road there was a cat stuck on the roof. She’d escaped out of a skylight, jumped down onto a lower section of roof and couldn’t get back up.

At the end of Vicar Road there wasn’t enough space to put two normal size houses so they built one wider one instead.

Saw a black kitten in a window, a grey cat by a front gate, a black cat above an alley gate, and a dog in a window.

Edinburgh Park Dockers Club looks like it’s seen better days.

“When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high.” There are no instructions about what to do when you’re running through a storm.

LCS Dairy building is on the corner of Priory Road and Manningham Road. The entrance for the milk carts has long since been bricked up, but the brickwork at the front still shows Liverpool Cooperative Society AD 1925.

When they were building the house on Wenlock Street at the junction with Lynholme Road there wasn’t enough space for the front door, so they took a chunk out of the corner and stuck it on the side. Talking of Wenlock Street, hello Jan Wenlock!

Parking in the roads around here is for residents only during the football season (it’s close to Anfield). Because the streets are so narrow the council actually tells people to park with two wheels on the pavement. I have a Facebook friend who is quite passionately against any cars parking with any wheels on any part of the pavement for any reason whatsoever. I wonder what they’d make of this.

There are creepers growing up the back of one house. Not content with covering the wall and encroaching onto the roof they have also made their way up the telephone line.

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