ess060 murdered teddy

#everysinglestreet [09/12/20] Crown Street Station and the missing roads from last week


  • Wednesday 9th December 2020
  • 36 streets – Askham Close, Back Chatham Place, Beaumont Street, Birt Close, Brampton Drive, Buttermere Street, Cardwell Street, Corney Street, Crown Station Place, Dove Street, Durden Street, Embledon Street, Freedom Close, Grinfield Street, John Moores Close, Kinglake Street, Liffey Street, Lorton Street, Melville Place, Nevison Street, Orphan Street, Overton Street, Oxendale Close, Queensland Street, Rosemary Close, Ryedale Close, St Bernard’s Close, Shenstone Close, Smithdown Lane, Squires Street, Swindale Close, Webb Street, Chancellor Court, Pavillion Close
  • Total: 2,140 (38.06%)
  • Remaining: 3,436


Last Wednesday morning I started out too late and didn’t have time to finish the route I’d planned. This morning I returned to collect the missing roads from last week, and to collect a few more. Annoyingly I still missed one because I didn’t read my map properly.

Taskers DIY Superstore is no more. It’s now a Branded Furniture Outlet, with the car park also being used as an overflow for the University of Liverpool. The site has a fence around the whole of the outside which extends beyond the original car park and now makes two roads – Nelson Road and Helena Street – inaccessible.

Tesco on Overton Street is now Jack’s, Tesco’s budget version of Tesco. Shenstone Street runs behind it. This used to go through to Wavertree Road (you can see where the pavement and kerb continues) but it’s since been blocked off with grass and trees.

On Chatham Place and Grinfield Street there are now three new blocks of student accommodation. Back Chatham Place ran behind one of the blocks before it was build. The road still exists but it’s now just the access road for the accommodation and there’s no road signs left for it.

Grinfield Street and Crown Street have new cycle lane markers. These popped up over the first lockdown in March to encourage more people to cycle.

Student accommodation on Crown Street has buildings called The Railyard and The Sidings, and a road called Crown Station Place. The entrance to Crown Street goods yard is still standing next to the park, although it has long since been bricked up. The tower in the park next to is is above where the station used to be underground. The tunnel still exists and connects Edge Hill Station to Crown Street. I’ve included a photo of a map showing this route. The tunnel continued to Wapping in the Baltic Triangle, and small sections of cutting are still visible from the air near the end.

Apparently John Moores Close, but not close enough for me to see him.

The University of Liverpool built student accommodation between Melville Place and Grove Street. They called it Melville Grove.

I took a photo of Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust. Everyone just refers to it as The Women’s.

Can anyone look at St Clement’s Church without hearing ‘Oranges and lemons’ in their head?

There’s an old, brick frontage on Beaumont Street (1875) but there are no other signs on it that indicate what it used to be. Just along the road there’s a small, red building saying ‘Liverpool Corporation Water Works Store Yard’.

I stumbled upon a murder scene by the wheelie bins on Buttermere Street. I managed to take a photo before SOC officers arrived and cordoned the area off. I wonder what the cause of death was.

Standing all alone at the end of Webb Street are two houses, the only remaining indication that there were ever any terraced streets here.

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