ess076 outer forum

#everysinglestreet [23/01/21] Norris Green: Part 3 – A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum


  • Saturday 23rd January 2021
  • 32 streets – Abbotsford Road, Ardville Road, Colmore Road, Drakefield Road, Fairfax Place, Fairfax Road, Fairmead Road, Falklands Approach, Faversham Road, Gable Court, Gable View, Hartland Road, Inner Forum, Jerningham Road, Kingsland Crescent, Kingsland Road, Leamington Road, Malmesbury Road, Meyrick Road, Mildmay Road, Netherwood Road, Norwyn Road, Outer Forum, Parthenon Drive, Philbeach Road, Railton Road, Scarisbrick Crescent, Scarisbrick Drive, Scarisbrick Place, Scarisbrick Road, Strawberry Road, Townsend View.
  • Total: 2,626 (46.54%)
  • Remaining: 3,016


It was good to get back out running after not having run during the week. I knocked off another chunk of Norris Green today, including roads called Inner Forum, Outer Forum and Parthenon Drive. 

It had been snowing and hailing in the morning, but by the time I left the house it was already starting to melt and getting my feet wet in slushy puddles was more of a concern than slipping over.

I came across an interesting road with two street names. One side of the road is Townsend Avenue, and the other side of the road is Gable View. I’m going to have to consult the forums to find out how that should be added to OpenStreetMap.

Photos on Facebook

All of the photos from this run are in a publically viewable Facebook album.

To view them click on the date below my name in the Facebook embed below.



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