
5k-a-day 192/365 – Things you pass every day but never see: St Peter’s Schools 1876

Thursday 11th July 2019

  • Distance: 5.2k
  • Total to date: 1298.1k
  • Rolling target: 960k
  • Ahead of target: 338.1k
  • Distance remaining: 526.9k
  • Days remaining: 173

I knew I wouldn’t have time to run at lunchtime so ran from Deansgate Station to work, dropped off my bag then completed my run with plenty of time to spare before the conference started.

I was just at the back of Deansgate when I looked up and spotted that the building across the road had previously been a school! I wonder how many things we miss on a daily basis because we don’t look up.

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Graham runs 5k-a-day