
#everysinglestreet [19/07/20] All the roads round Olive Mount


  • Sunday 19th July 2020
  • 26 streets – Bonchurch Drive, Canvey Close, Crawford Drive, Crosslea Drive, Crossley Drive, Davenham Court, Halsnead Close, Hollins Close, Larch Grove, Maberley View, Malcolm Place, Millstead Road, Old Mill Close, Olive Grove, Olive Mount Road, Railbrook Hey, Sherwell Close, Swan Crescent, Thorley Close, Thornhill Road, Valencia Road, Victoria Court, Wellstead Close, Wellstead Road, Wellstead Walk, Willow Grove.
  • Total: 399 (7.07%)
  • Remaining: 5,242


I was getting increasingly frustrated at the inaccuracy of both my iPhone and Apple Watch when running. Frequently my recorded path was way off course, leading to CityStrides not recording me completing some roads even though I’d run the full length. So I decided to invest in a Garmin watch – the Garmin Forerunner 235 – which I managed to pick up second hand on eBay for only £85. I used it for the first time today and I’ve got to say it’s a huge improvement. I didn’t miss out on a single node!

I love walking and running along North Drive and looking at some of the grand, old houses.

Millstead Walk – ‘Respect the People that live here’.

Millstead Road has houses with roofs that slope only one way and wooden panels that give it a strange Scandinavian vibe.

Neither Olive Mount Walk nor Millstead Walk is on either Google Maps or OpenStreetMaps. I’ve added them to OSM.

Lots of three storey houses on Olive Mount Road.

I visited Valencia (Road…)

There’s a large house on Old Mill Lane at the corner with Mill Lane. If you walk down Old Mill Close behind it you can see the massive garden!

Bumped into a Superlambanana and a silver lady.

Missing apostrophe:- “residents parking only”
Superfluous apostrophe:- “No’s 29 – 43”

Mount Royal is a relatively modern estate with a couple of mock-Tudor fronted houses. I love how the developers managed to build all of these houses and keep so many of the mature trees. The end of Swan Crescent has a couple of majestic willow trees.

There are modern houses on the site where Sandown Hall used to stand. Just round the corner, the residents of Halsnead Close have their own mini wooded lawn. Olive Grove has an ugly, square house with a flat roof that looks more like business premises.

There’s a Crosslea Drive and a Crossley Drive. How is that allowed to happen?

There are no larches in Larch Grove and no willows in Willow Grove. I feel cheated.

I’m reliably informed by a friend who used to live just off Pighue Lane that it’s pronounced ‘Piggy Lane’.

On the way back I took a photo of 66 Sandown Road where I used to live. I was in Flat 5, top floor at the back of the property. The roof leaked and there was no heating in the bathroom. My neighbours on the ground floor ended up moving into the same street where I currently live. They’re not here any more.

Took some photos of Salisbury Terrace. Just look at the mismatch of styles and designs.

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