
#everysinglestreet [02/11/20] The last of the roads off Derby Lane


  • Monday 2nd November 2020
  • 24 streets – Abacus Road, Carlton Lane, Classic Road, Corinthian Avenue, Corona Road, Derby Lane, Derwent Road East, Derwent Road West, Derwent Square, Etruscan Road, Florentine Road, Inigo Road, Lime Close, Ovolo Road, Palladio Road, Podium Road, Sandstone Road East, Sandstone Road West, Scotia Road, Stoneville Road, Stoneycroft Close, Stoneycroft Crescent, Torus Road, Undercliffe Road.
  • Total: 1,603 (28.51%)
  • Remaining: 4,020


Back on 15th August I ran a number of roads off Derby Lane which, as my little sister Katy pointed out, had names connected with architecture – doric, cornice, ionic. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to look at the roads in the list below and see if you can spot the rest of the architecture roads!

I ran down one road which was a real classic – it was Classic Road! And I risked running down Corona Road…!

At the junction of Derby Lane with Queens Drive there’s a row of shops which includes a micropub called Cask, a beauty salon called Lady Muck, and a busy barber shop where one barber was wearing a facemask, one barber wasn’t, and one was wearing a chin diaper (over his mouth and chin but not his nose).

On the corner of Derby Lane where it does a 90 degree turn is the imposing Coptic Orthodox church of St Mary and St Cyril. It’s amazing to think that at some point in the past there were enough Coptic Orthodox Christians in Liverpool to pay for such a grand building to be built. Fun fact: Opened in 1916, it was designed by Giles Gilbert Scott who also designed the Anglican Cathedral and the classic red telephone box!

Sandstone Road East and West have walls and cottages not surprisingly made from sandstone. The sign for Mercers Terrace A.D. 1851 straddles two properties, one in the original sandstone and one blighted with pebbledashing.

The end terrace house on Derwent Road West is the only one with a veranda downstairs and a balcony upstairs.

Derwent Square shouldn’t be part of the #everysinglestreet challenge because its a private road, but for some reason it hasn’t been marked as private on OpenStreetMap. I’ve rectified that, and with the next map sync it’ll disappear from my total, but it was so worth running down it anyway just to see the grand row of terraced houses down one side of the central green space.

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